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Sri Lanka National Youth Chess Championship 2024 - Matale District Under 15 Girls ( 2009 & 2010 )

Posledná aktualizácia 13.10.2024 14:25:53, Creator/Last Upload: L.V.Mudalige

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Štartová listina

1Dissanayake, D M Dilmi MahinsaSRI0Pushpadana Girls' College - Kandy
2Steena, JeyarajSRI0St. Thomas' Girls' College - Matale
3Mohamed Nisham, Aisha FatmaSRI0Matale International School
4Mohothar, HafeelaSRI0Christ Church College - Matale
5Nuha, Hilmy Ahamed FathimaSRI0Cp/Mt/Rat Kandenuwara Tamil Maha Vi
6Rizka, FathimaSRI0St. Thomas' Girls' College - Matale
7Senadeera, Danudi29991200SRI0Christ Church College - Matale
8Senavirathna, Imethma Gimhani80801366SRI0Cp/Ga Olcott Buddhist English Schoo
9Somarathna, E M Pramodya NethmiSRI0Mt/ Kaikawala Central Colege - Mata