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Sri Lanka National Youth Chess Championship 2024 - Matale District Under 15 Open ( 2009 & 2010 )

Seinast dagført13.10.2024 14:26:01, Creator/Last Upload: L.V.Mudalige

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1Bandara, A G Dineth SithangaSRI0Vijayapala Maha Vidyalaya - Matale
2Dissanayake, D W R B M M W W Y ASRI0Rangiri Dambulla National School
3Madesh, AnanthSRI0Cp/Mt/Rat Kandenuwara Tamil Maha Vi
4Minhaj, LukmanSRI0Zahira National College - Matale
5Mohamed Imadh, Mohamed JiffrySRI0Zahira National College - Matale
6Munasinha, M A D D TSRI0Rangiri Dambulla National School
7Naveen, KarthigesuSRI0Cp/Mt/Rat Kandenuwara Tamil Maha Vi
8Pahasara, I G V DSRI0St. Thomas' College - Matale
9Ranasingha, G G S V LSRI0Rangiri Dambulla National School
10Walahena, W M R SSRI0Rangiri Dambulla National School
11Yoshitha, Insith80814778SRI0St. Thomas' College - Matale