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2024 UNAM Chess Championships - Women

Darrera actualització12.10.2024 15:58:22, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Chimfutumba, AstridaNAM0
2Ikela, SelmaNAM0
3Kudumo, MathildeNAM0
4Likoro, FlavianeNAM0
5Mkhaliphi, SisekeloNAM0
6Mukwilongo, AinaNAM0
7Mwita, MariaNAM0
8Shuudifonya, HelviNAM0
9Mubusisi, CandyNAM0
10Ndapunikwa, RuthNAM0
11Ndapandula, RebeccaNAM0
12Ndeshipanda, NaimiNAM0