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2024 UNAM Chess Championships - Open

Վերջին արդիացում12.10.2024 15:58:02, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Aipinge, Johannes15218210NAM0
2Amutenya, AntindiNAM0
3Eino, PhilemonNAM0
4Forbes, RomeoNAM0
5Gabriel, ErastusNAM0
6Goseb, Erich MwitaNAM0
7Haiduwa, Findano15212530NAM0
8Haighumbi, Wilhelm15212386NAM0
9Haingura, DenilsonNAM0
10Hakadiva, CorneliusNAM0
11Haraseb, Prince15210030NAM0
12Katjita, ClintonNAM0
13Kharuchab, RicardinhoNAM0
14Makina, PossibleNAM0
15Mbahepa, TjizaaNAM0
16Mukuve, FransiscoNAM0
17Mulyata, FabianNAM0
18Mupopya, SehasenyeNAM0
19Musore, GelasiusNAM0
20Naanda, KorneliusNAM0
21Ngilweni, FransNAM0
22Rukero, Zurich15218198NAM0
23Silas, VictorNAM0
24Tjambiru, Kovandu15218180NAM0