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IRT Oct Aguascalientes Վերջին արդիացում26.10.2024 04:41:33, Creator/Last Upload: Gloria Gallegos
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Martinez Contreras, David | 5180554 | MEX | 1923 |
2 | | Santiago Chavez, Habid Pablo De Jesus | 5187494 | MEX | 1802 |
3 | | Camarillo Perez, Hector Daniel | 5149762 | MEX | 1758 |
4 | | Tapia Ruelas, Eduardo | 29612888 | MEX | 1716 |
5 | | Castillo Bermudez, Alfonso | 5194679 | MEX | 1695 |
6 | | Sarabia Arguello, Wendy | 5167809 | MEX | 1691 |
7 | | Rodriguez Cabrera, Jorge L | 5198917 | MEX | 1671 |
8 | | Alvarado Hernandez, Noe Japheth | 29632293 | MEX | 1618 |
9 | | Luevano Marquez, Azul Elizabeth | 29616565 | MEX | 1582 |
10 | | Melendez Morales, Yamil Antonio | 29614147 | MEX | 1578 |
11 | | Santillan Loera, Javier Alejandro | 29625068 | MEX | 1527 |
12 | | Luevano Marquez, Gabriela Getzema | 29616646 | MEX | 1468 |
13 | | Cortez Castaneda, Diana Victoria | 29635322 | MEX | 1513 |
14 | | Juarez Haro, César Said | 29636035 | MEX | 1659 |
15 | | Rivas Rangel, Isabella Roxane | 29667933 | MEX | 1507 |