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GUWAHATI CITY SELECTION CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP-2024 (UNDER-13 Girls) Վերջին արդիացում20.10.2024 21:11:07, Creator/Last Upload: Guwahati Chess Academy
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Aariana, Kashyap | 48712671 | IND | 1533 |
2 | | Ameya, Gupta | 33415617 | IND | 1479 |
3 | | Nistha, Saikia | 48712779 | IND | 1409 |
4 | | Bagmita, Baranya Kashyap | 531043941 | IND | 0 |
5 | | Bhairabi Boro, | | IND | 0 |
6 | | Deanna Diva Borah, | | IND | 0 |
7 | | Haripriya Bora, | | IND | 0 |
8 | | Ishanvi, Saikia | 429040353 | IND | 0 |
9 | | Nafisa, Shirin | 429040388 | IND | 0 |
10 | | Navishtha, Hazarika | 88176460 | IND | 0 |
11 | | Nilam Krishnatraya, | | IND | 0 |
12 | | Prashasti, Yadav | 429094380 | IND | 0 |
13 | | Pratidhwani, Handique | 33328099 | IND | 0 |
14 | | Rakshita Pradayinee, | | IND | 0 |
15 | | Ritisha, Mayra Rajbongshi | 33386153 | IND | 0 |