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DR KKD Trails 2 U14

Last update 14.10.2024 10:19:15, Creator/Last Upload: Carol Lefyedi

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Starting rank

1Scholtz, RohanmRSA1514
2Lehasa, OnalennaRSA1414
3Greeff, SeanRSA1349
4Adams, SureshRSA1323
5Gweshe, TafadzwaRSA1306
6Van Rheede Van Oudts, ConradRSA1268
7Faul, FranzelleRSA1260
8Jansen Van Vuuren, CilliersRSA1210
9Khano, ModauRSA1208
10Grobbelaar, HannesRSA1202
11Thabelo, MotsekiRSA1195
12Molefe, His-Eminennce TRSA1190
13Harding, AidenRSA1175
14Molete, NeoRSA1000