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DR KKD Trails 2 U16

Last update 14.10.2024 10:19:33, Creator/Last Upload: Carol Lefyedi

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Starting rank

1Mokwa, OmolemoRSA1494
2Zanazo, KopanoRSA1392
3Van Der Merwe, DevanRSA1385
4Meyambo, UnathiRSA1377
5Mahlalela, ThandolwethuRSA1365
6Botha, ZakRSA1335
7Molotsi, ReamohetseRSA1315
8Krugel, LianRSA1274
9Mokoena, BokamosoRSA1267
10Mabaso, SenzoRSA1199
11Maluleka, RamogetsweRSA1198
12Mochoanchoeng, TshegoRSA1186
13Gagaza, InamRSA1183
14Smit, BrandonRSA1165
15Hanese, LungaRSA0