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DR KKD Trails 2 OPEN

Last update 14.10.2024 10:20:13, Creator/Last Upload: Carol Lefyedi

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Starting rank

1Fihla, LonwaboRSA1704
2Monchosi, AtlegangRSA1646
3Libisi, LibisiRSA1559
4Molusi, KatlegoRSA1552
5Ngubeni, JackieRSA1523
6Mafabatho, ThapeloRSA1495
7Choeu, KagishoRSA1490
8Mtiyane, TysonRSA1460
9Fourie, ElzetteRSA1458
10Cele, SibusisoRSA1351
11Molebatsi, GoitseoneRSA1331
12Van Der Walt, Jacobus HarmRSA1288
13Montwedi, ZenziRSA1132
14Manana, AmogelangRSA1115
15Phuti, TshitlhoRSA0
16Berndt, MichaelRSA1426
17Mabuza, LfRSA1457