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Sri Lanka National Youth Chess Championship 2024/25 - Hambantota District - Under 15 Girls (2009 & 2010)

Վերջին արդիացում13.10.2024 13:04:32, Creator/Last Upload: R Navod Nethsara

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

4Chamasha, G SithmiSRI0H/ Pangngaseeha Maha Vidyalaya
6Disanayaka, D Pinidi TeharaSRI0H/ Walasmulla National School
5Hemachandra, E H Thisari ThathsaraniSRI0H/ Walasmulla National School
2Hirudini, U PinidiSRI0H/ Vijayaba National School - Hunga
3Malinima, M G G MinudiSRI0H/ Sri LankaSingapore Friedship Col
1Wijesekara, Yenuli BimansaSRI0H/ Theraputta Primary School