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Sri Lanka National Youth Chess Championship 2024/25 - Hambantota District - Under 15 Open (2009 & 2010)

Վերջին արդիացում13.10.2024 13:04:17, Creator/Last Upload: R Navod Nethsara

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1Binuka, G W P H Mathila MethuSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
2Hansindu, R P NepulSRI0Walasmulla National School
3Heshan, RuvidhuSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
4Induwara, P G S SheneshSRI0H/Beliatta National School
5Mandara, A H MesanduSRI0MR/ Mahinda Rajapaksha Vidyalaya
6Methmina, R P UwinduSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
7Nethsara, AkeeshaSRI0H/ Walasmulla National School
8Pabashan, V K KothinduSRI0H/Weeraketiya Rajapaksha M.V.
9Ranasinghe, H G Matheesha DamsaraSRI0S Thomas College Mount Lavinia
10Ranmina, K K SheneshSRI0H/ Katuwana National School
11Ravihara, S H SithmaSRI0H/Morawana Maha Vidyalaya
12Savindu, P A ChenukaSRI0H/ Walasmulla National School
13Sensitha, G G BinukaSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
14Tashen, D InduwaraSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
15Tharuka, H A SahanSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
16Viduranga, J T G VidushaSRI0H/ Bolan M.M.V
17Yensitha, G G ManukaSRI0H/Walasmulla National School
18Yulan, M P RanithaSRI0H/Walasmulla National School