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KymS:n nopean shakin turnaus 12.10.2024

Last update 12.10.2024 15:16:07, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 49)

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Starting rank

1Montonen, Samu512575FIN2048KymS
2Pasanen, Tuomo508063FIN2045I-HSK
3Si, Patrick517690FIN1960LahS
4Pietinen, Pekka502545FIN1880KäpSK
5Mashhadi Aghajan, Rayan521019FIN1837LprSK
6Puroila, Sippo504572FIN1795X
7Pousi, Janne512257FIN1718KymS
8Do, Tuong Vinh522236FIN1602HSC
9Heinilä, Ilari501379FIN1601KymS
10Auvinen, Kim522007FIN1586KymS
11Rantalainen, MikkoFIN1525KymS
12Törni, MikaelFIN1525KymS
13Kokkonen, Kristian519154FIN1514EtVaS
14Rantalainen, Patrik521884FIN1439KymS