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Estonian Women's Rapid Championship 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.10.2024 14:30:43, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

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1WFMBlokhin, Sofia4508190EST20202088Maleklubi Vektor
2WFMNarva, Triin4502680EST20492082SK Reval-Sport
3WFMBrokko, Margit4501098EST19782052Maleklubi Gambiit
4WCMOlde, Grete4503104EST20222047Tallinna MK
5WFMNarva, Regina4500237EST18611908SK Reval-Sport
6Haapsal, Maria Ioanna4512286EST18081811MK Kaksikodad
7Rudiger, Maria Helena4516087EST15531415Maleklubi Vektor
8Reren, Alexis Miriam4521765EST15471336Maleklubi Vektor
9Istratova, Nika4520084EST14181191MK Areng