Taça de Portugal 2024-25

Last update 18.11.2024 11:16:20, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Team-Composition without round-results
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Team-Composition without round-results

  7. CA TÉSSERA A (RtgAvg:2152 / TB1: 0 / TB2: 0) Captain: Stephane Silva
1FMRIBEIRO, Gustavo Martins Santos2241POR19418520
2NMDIAS, Ricardo Pedro Cruz2209POR19300600
3FMRIBEIRO, Rodrigo Martins Santos2143POR19383980
4NMSILVA, Stephane Gomes2013POR19008460
5CARVALHO, Vitor Hugo de Pina Soares1897POR19087660
6PIRES, Igor Tiago Duarte1894POR19100780
7SÁ, Cláudio Simão Carvalho Faria d1875POR19029030
8MORAIS, Paulo Jorge Machado Teixeira d1858POR19047280
9SILVA, Albino Carvalho Faria da1816POR19177060