Taça de Portugal 2024-25

Last update 18.11.2024 11:16:20, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Team-Composition without round-results

  62. CLUBE ELVENSE DE NATAÇÃO A (RtgAvg:1368 / TB1: 0 / TB2: 0) Captain: António Demétrio
1DEMÉTRIO, António Engrácio Robalo0POR19177220
2CANITO, Pedro Miguel Castelo0POR19403760
3SANTOS, Jaime João Caldeira dos1920POR19041080
4RAIMUNDO, Rodrigo Miguel Carvalho1550POR19746530
5MUÑOZ, João Pedro Militão0POR19843810
6PESTANA, Martim Pires0POR19844030
7GONÇALVES, Gabriel Domingos Gomes0POR0
8RAIMUNDO, Leonor Carvalho0POR0