Taça de Portugal 2024-25

Last update 18.11.2024 11:16:20, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Team-Composition without round-results

  61. GX PORTO E (RtgAvg:1414 / TB1: 0 / TB2: 0) Captain: José António Santos
1SANTOS, José António Pinheiro dos1578POR19204210
2MOUTINHO, Gonçalo Ferreira Aguiar de Cas0POR0
3DINIZ, Pedro Gorinstein Chagas1449BRA19838140
4FUCHS, Leo Lobão1627POR19727740
5YE, Ruiyi0POR19844970
6XU, Dinis Sun0POR0
7NUNES, Miguel Camisa0POR19857010
8CRUZ, Pedro Manuel Simões da0POR0
9MONTEIRO, João Fernando da Silva0POR0
10SHEPELEV, Yeremei0FID0
11LOPES, José André Youssef0POR0