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TR Blitz 2024 October #2

Վերջին արդիացում11.10.2024 00:03:26, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

12Gauti Pall Jonsson2309092ISL2168
3Kristjan Orn Eliasson2301784ISL1964
13Logi Runar Jonsson2309106ISL1872
8Thorsteinn G Sigurdsson2313278ISL1858
1Halldor Palsson2301202ISL1854
14Hadi Rezaei Heris32729880IRI1835
7Harald Bjornsson2325306ISL1827
10Petur Steinn Gudmundsson2302411ISL1802
4Thorsteinn Magnusson2310287ISL1689
6Solvi Gudmundsson2322463ISL1650
9Tomas Sindri Leosson2325764ISL1597
2Bjorgvin Kristbergsson2305232ISL1447
11Leo Mar Johannsson2329174ISL1444
5Petur Johannesson2305631ISL0