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Jeffreys Bay CC Rapid 10th October

Senast uppdaterad19.10.2024 19:31:55, Creator/Last Upload: Petrus Stuurman

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1Munemo, TadiwaRSA1592
2Swart, WaldemarRSA1535
3Maziena, LavanyaRSA1389
4Titus, Sade CatherineRSA1290
5Nhanha, PhaphamaniRSA1244
6Murry, MorganRSA1225
7Ozah, ChineduRSA1211
8Leen, AngeloRSA1200
9Hendricks, ZaydenRSA1179
10Fletcher, EzrinRSA1151
11Goeda, FaygonRSA1137
12Barendse, KevronRSA1136
13Nhanha, SinakekeleRSA1114
14Barendse, JeanRSA1088
15Swart, AneschaRSA0
16Barendse, RaydonRSA1223
17De Villiers, DwaineRSA1250