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Jeffreys Bay CC Rapid 10th October Վերջին արդիացում19.10.2024 19:31:55, Creator/Last Upload: Petrus Stuurman
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Munemo, Tadiwa | | RSA | 1592 |
2 | | Swart, Waldemar | | RSA | 1535 |
3 | | Maziena, Lavanya | | RSA | 1389 |
4 | | Titus, Sade Catherine | | RSA | 1290 |
5 | | Nhanha, Phaphamani | | RSA | 1244 |
6 | | Murry, Morgan | | RSA | 1225 |
7 | | Ozah, Chinedu | | RSA | 1211 |
8 | | Leen, Angelo | | RSA | 1200 |
9 | | Hendricks, Zayden | | RSA | 1179 |
10 | | Fletcher, Ezrin | | RSA | 1151 |
11 | | Goeda, Faygon | | RSA | 1137 |
12 | | Barendse, Kevron | | RSA | 1136 |
13 | | Nhanha, Sinakekele | | RSA | 1114 |
14 | | Barendse, Jean | | RSA | 1088 |
15 | | Swart, Anescha | | RSA | 0 |
16 | | Barendse, Raydon | | RSA | 1223 |
17 | | De Villiers, Dwaine | | RSA | 1250 |