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2024 October Luanshya Chess Championship

Darrera actualització25.10.2024 12:40:22, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1CMGondwe, Kondwani Maxwell8700630ZAM2037
2Chibuye, Christopher8714541ZAM2014
3Mubanga, Mwandu8701768ZAM1997
4Ngomi, Henry Chambula8708266ZAM1997
5Chiumya, Brighton8708274ZAM1950
6Lungu, Tedius8704031ZAM1916
7Pervious, Njapau8709769ZAM1890
8Kachenje, Elvis8711410ZAM1883
9Makwema, Davies8729891ZAM1870
10Kashimoto, Abraham8729875ZAM1865
11Mubanga, Prosper8708819ZAM1854
12Bwalya, Wence8729107ZAM1771
13Tembo, Ian8716463ZAM1725
14Mwape, Allan8706280ZAM0
15Songwe, Mwiza8731128ZAM0