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Player with rating upper or equal to 2000 and national players team
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International Chess Festival Mohamed Slama Memorial 2024(Open A )

Seinast dagført10.10.2024 15:54:38, Creator/Last Upload: Yousri ZAKHAMA

Search for player Leita


1GMZAIBI, Amir5500796TUN2371Ces
2IMBELOUADAH, Saad7900856ALG2352
3BARBARIA, Yacine5501245TUN2179
4FMAMDOUNI, Zoubaier5500419TUN2151
5IMHBACHA, Achraf5506492TUN2126
6CMBOUZIDI, Ahmed5501733TUN2123
7FMARAOUNE, Saadi7904169ALG2116
8IMMEFTAHI, Houssem5501660TUN2112
9CHAKROUN, Wael5517400TUN2078
10BAHRIA, Mohamed Helmi5507375TUN2071
11TAHER, Rami9200509LBA2026
12KTITA, Dhafer5501440TUN1936
13FATES, Omer Salah9212035LBA1929
14BOULAARES, Adam5508657TUN1879
15ABDALLAH, Mohamed Khalil5529506TUN1857
16WFMMILADI, Amen5503779TUN1851
17KAABI, Iheb5508240TUN1849
18SASSI, Ahmed5500753TUN1826
19ZENAIDI, Mokhtar5510112TUN1801
20ZENAIDI, Sadok5510120TUN1746
21FREJ, Chedly5520711TUN1737
22BEN AMOR, Meriem5508509TUN1733
23ABDERRAZAK, Youssef5534054TUN1725
24MENDILI, Jahed5541573TUN1710
25GAMHA, Yasmine5505038TUN1679
26HASNAOUI, Abrar5517362TUN1595