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ukáž detaily turnaja
Fase Nacional de la 2da Olimpiada de Ajedrez del Sistema Educativo Plurinacional ★ Profe-D ★Posledná aktualizácia 11.10.2024 18:28:53, Creator/Last Upload: BOLIVIAN FEDERATION OF CHESS
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | | Monzon Justiniano, Marianela | 3316807 | BOL | 1701 | Santa Cruz |
2 | | | Cardenas Perez, Ruth | 3364720 | BOL | 0 | Potosí |
3 | | | Choque Mamani, Neysa | | BOL | 0 | Cochabamba |
4 | | | Flores Gira, Maribel | | BOL | 0 | Tarija |
5 | | | Malale Humaza, Carla Paola | 3363074 | BOL | 0 | Beni |
6 | | | Pedro Quispe, Graciela | | BOL | 0 | Chuquisaca |
7 | | | Quispe Callejas, Sara Adelin | | BOL | 0 | Pando |
8 | | | Vega Cruz, Damaris | 3305716 | BOL | 0 | La Paz |
9 | | | Ventura Mamani, Aidee | | BOL | 0 | Oruro |