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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
DAVV Indore Division (Girls) Chess Team Selection Trials (2024-25) اخر تحديث10.10.2024 11:03:41, منشئ/آخر رفع: Chess Promoters
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | Aayushi Songara, | | IND | 0 | Dhar |
2 | | Ankita Dhakiya, | | IND | 0 | Jhabua |
3 | | Anshita Mishra, | | IND | 0 | Indore |
4 | | Anshu Harod, | | IND | 0 | Dhar |
5 | | Ashi Soni, | | IND | 0 | Indore |
6 | | Bhumika Mokhle, | | IND | 0 | Khandwa |
7 | | Kirti Bijoriya, | | IND | 0 | Khandwa |
8 | | Lavanya Bugde, | | IND | 0 | Indore |
9 | | Purvi Cholkar, | | IND | 0 | Khandwa |
10 | | Riya Ramnani, | | IND | 0 | Indore |
11 | | Sheetal Padme, | | IND | 0 | Burhanpur |
12 | | Shraddha Sadhav, | | IND | 0 | Dhar |
13 | | Simran Goyal, | | IND | 0 | Indore |
14 | | Taruna Verma, | | IND | 0 | Barwani |
15 | | Vinita Sarsar, | | IND | 0 | Khandwa |
16 | | Vinita Tharwani, | | IND | 0 | Burhanpur |