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DAVV Indore Division (Girls) Chess Team Selection Trials (2024-25)

Last update 10.10.2024 11:03:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Promoters

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Starting rank

1Aayushi Songara,IND0Dhar
2Ankita Dhakiya,IND0Jhabua
3Anshita Mishra,IND0Indore
4Anshu Harod,IND0Dhar
5Ashi Soni,IND0Indore
6Bhumika Mokhle,IND0Khandwa
7Kirti Bijoriya,IND0Khandwa
8Lavanya Bugde,IND0Indore
9Purvi Cholkar,IND0Khandwa
10Riya Ramnani,IND0Indore
11Sheetal Padme,IND0Burhanpur
12Shraddha Sadhav,IND0Dhar
13Simran Goyal,IND0Indore
14Taruna Verma,IND0Barwani
15Vinita Sarsar,IND0Khandwa
16Vinita Tharwani,IND0Burhanpur