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Posledná aktualizácia 22.10.2024 05:36:25, Creator/Last Upload: BOLIVIAN FEDERATION OF CHESS

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Štartová listina

1Aston Villa, 30 10BOL2200
2Juventus, 31 32BOL2190
3Liverpool, 31 20BOL2180
4Bayern Munich, 92 01BOL2170
5Stuttgart, 13 11BOL2160
6Sporting de Lisboa, 20 11BOL2150
7Salzburgo, 03 04BOL2140
8Bolonia, 00 02BOL2130
9Slovan Bratislava, 15 04BOL2120
10Brujas, 03 10BOL2110
11Inter, 00 40BOL2100
12PSG, 10 02BOL2090
13Bayer Levercusen, 40 10BOL2080
14Estrella Roja, 12 04BOL2070
15Barcelona, 12 50BOL2060
16Atalanta, 00 30BOL2050
17Leipzig, 12 23BOL2040
18Brest, 21 40BOL2030
19Young Boys, 03 05BOL2020
20PSV, 13 11BOL2010
21Milan, 13 01BOL2000
22Dinamo Zagreb, 29 22BOL1990
23Real Madrid, 31 01BOL1980
24Lille, 02 10BOL1970
25Sparta Praga, 30 11BOL1960
26Shajtar Donetsk, 00 03BOL1950
27Celtic, 51 17BOL1940
28Borussia Dortmund, 30 71BOL1930
29Manchester City, 00 40BOL1920
30Girona, 01 23BOL1910
31Feyenoord, 04 32BOL1900
32Benfica, 21 40BOL1890
33Monaco, 21 22BOL1880
34Arsenal, 00 20BOL1870
35Atletico de Madrid, 21 04BOL1860
36Sturm Graz, 12 01BOL1850