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For Entries Contact Amithpal Singh - +91 74065 77878

Under the Aegis of Telangana Democratic Chess Development Committee (TDCDC)

64th MAESTRO CLOSED CLASSICAL CHESS TOURNAMENT - 13th & 14th Oct 2024 Under the Aegis of Telangana Democratic Chess Development Committee (TDCDC)

اخر تحديث14.10.2024 16:08:34, منشئ/آخر رفع: G NAVYA KRISHNA

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Dhruva, Thota25996533IND2353
2Vignesh, Advaith Vemula25792059IND2276
3Prudhvi, Kumar V25044788IND2259
4Boda, Gyaneshwar46627065IND1977
5Kranthi, Kumar B.5029660IND1974
6AGMVishal, Choudary B46660852IND1969
7Yohan, Yadav Tarala33385300IND1956
8WCMNanditha, V46626697IND1951
9Pranay, Akula25131001IND1935
10Nidhish, Shyamal33491917IND1817
11Anmol, Mathur33383529IND1547
12Anaya, Agarwal25151967IND1508
13Aarohi, Mathur33383847IND1503
14Nikunj, Karwa531010296IND1476
15Tanmay, Lohumi531010490IND1439
16Agastya, Ram Guda33395624IND1407
17Ankita, Raj33494851IND1404
18Hartejpal, Singh25149369IND0
19Samanth K,IND0
20Veerlapally, Yogesh33403627IND0