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Raja shankar shah vishvvidhyalaya chhindwra (divisional Boys selection) Betul 2024

Last update 10.10.2024 09:32:22, Creator/Last Upload: yashpal arora

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Starting rank

1Manan Awadhiya,IND0Seoni
2Praful Ghagre,IND0Chhindwara
3Rajveer, Singh Thakur531041213IND0Seoni
4Shivansh, Gupta48739537IND0Seoni
5Sumit Shrangi,IND0Seoni
6Vivek Yadav,IND0Seoni
7Anant Rai,IND0Chhindwara
8Ayush A.Prasad,IND0Chhindwara
9Mayur Soni,IND0Chhindwara
10Priyesh Soni,IND0Chhindwara
11Shivam Kannojiya,IND0Chhindwara
12Moneshwer Bharti,IND0Betul
13Shaikh Reyan,IND0Betul
14Anuj Banshkar,IND0Balaghat
15Gauraw Khobragade,IND0Balaghat
16Masoom Nagdeve,IND0Balaghat
17Mohar Dhurwe,IND0Balaghat
18Piyus Lilhare,IND0Balaghat
19Ranjeet Markam,IND0Balaghat