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Վերջին արդիացում09.10.2024 11:02:06, Creator/Last Upload: IA/IO Bunawan

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Amadeus Dharmaputra Kusumo (SMPK,INA0
2Cleon Amadeus Surya (SMA WARDAYA,INA0
3Devon Valinsky Vinnson (SMAK 3 B,INA0
4Enders Jowen Ramli (SMPK IPEKA P,INA0
5Ethan Zhac Weidris (SMPK IPEKA P,INA0
6Filbert Hojaya (SMPK 1 PENABUR),INA0
7Gerald Paseru (SMAK 2 PENABUR B),INA0
8Giovanno (SMPK 6 PENABUR B),INA0
9Jason Brilliant Prima (SMAK 3 A),INA0
10Jefferson Andersen (SMPK IPEKA P,INA0
11Jeremiah Sean Hadinata (SMAK 2 P,INA0
12Mark Adrian Kawira (SMAK 6 PENAB,INA0
13Matthew Kawira (SMAK 6 PENABUR A,INA0
14Vincent Green Lie (SMPK 6 PENABU,INA0