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"44th Tamujya" Bhaktapur Districtwise Baghchaal Compition

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.10.2024 17:02:38, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Bhandari, HemNEP0
2Jyakhwo, Chanda BahadurNEP0
3Koju, JayaramNEP0
4Kisi, SaifNEP0
5Kasichhwa, ShreeramNEP0
6Kutu, BidurNEP0
7Magaju, AarushNEP0
8Prajapati, Asal BahadurNEP0
9Prajapati, KumariNEP0
10Prajapati, SayanaNEP0
11Pyatha, Krishna NarayanNEP0
12Shrestha, AashinNEP0
13Shrestha, Padam KrishnaNEP0
14Basukala, RaunikNEP0