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kapacita 24 hráčov

Šach-Mat Nitra, 1.kolo Šachovo barová liga v Chillout Bare

Last update 20.10.2024 20:09:57, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 45

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Starting rank

1Bojo, Miroslav14910586SVK1978
2Bella, Julius14909740SVK1959
3Vavilov, Sergei14987589SVK1839
4Mikula, Martin14941058SVK1812
5Buch, MarekSVK1000
6Hetnerovič, BranislavSVK1000
7Ivanko, JurajSVK1000
8Kucerka, MartinSVK1000
9Licko, PeterSVK1000
10Páleník, JozefSVK1000
11Shevchenko, DmytroUKR1000
12Skula, KristianSVK1000
13Zelenin, PavelRUS1000