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Campeonato Nacional Infantil FVA 2024. Sub-8 - Absoluto

Վերջին արդիացում12.10.2024 22:38:12, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Abreu Balza, David Isaac23919906VEN0TRU
2Araque Moreno, Angel AlexanderVEN0BAR
3Ayala Calles, Jesus David3998479VEN0BAR
4Blanco Escalante, Santiago Gael23909064VEN0MER
5Blanco Viera, Sebastian Alejandro23905930VEN0BAR
6Canache Figueroa, Mathias Daniel23910577VEN0ANZ
7Carrasquel Delgado, Sebastian Alonso23919957VEN0ARA
8Conde Castillo, Ian Joshua23906588VEN0MIR
9Escalona Guillen, Abdiel Matteo23913541VEN0MER
10Espana Leal, Jesus Aurelio23915633VEN0BAR
11Giron Mata, Noah Matias3988490VEN0MIR
12Gonzalez Quintero, Elias Ricardo23921080VEN0MIR
13Guerra Galarraga, Ignacio Ali23916311VEN0ANZ
14Guerra Galarraga, Roman Alfonzo23906472VEN0ANZ
15Guevara Marcano, Douglas JeremiasVEN0ANZ
16Hernandez Romero, Emmanuel Antonio3991784VEN0NES
17Hoyos Rodriguez, Mateo Andres23915641VEN0BAR
18Liu Bello, Ziwen Giuseppe23908211VEN0DCA
19Marcano Flores, Emiliano Rafael23923105VEN0MON
20Mecerreyes Marquez, Mariano David23920017VEN0POR
21Moreno Ojeda, Saul Jose23900520VEN0BAR
22Morffe Bastardo, Hector LuisVEN0ANZ
23Nieves Mujica, Jose Alfonso23905565VEN0MIR
24Pajaro Ortiz, Daniel Alejandro23909927VEN0DCA
25Palacios Pena, Jeremias Daniel3998703VEN0LAR
26Raga Orfila, Juan Diego23908262VEN0MIR
27Rangel Querales, Rodrigo Andres23910003VEN0BAR
28Rodrigues Parica, Jean Felipe23915102VEN0DCA
29Szemat Greco, Ricardo VicenteVEN0MIR
30Varela Carrero, Jhean Marco23911450VEN0MER
31Vega Gonzalez, Enmanuel Andres3987060VEN0ANZ