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Undir 2000 mót TR 2024

Last update 22.11.2024 11:05:39, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Haraldsson Haraldur1952ISL 22w½ 21b1 17w1 2b1 3w½ 5b½ 8w15,5329,5320
2Baldursson Haraldur1899ISL 23b½ 28w1 4b1 1w0 18w1 3b0 25w+4,582628,50
3Eliasson Kristjan Orn1888ISL 24w1 13b1 10w0 14b+ 1b½ 2w1 11b15,5230,532,50
4Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann1874ISL 25b1 11w0 2w0 36b+ 29b0 32w1 19b141424260
5Heidarsson Mikael Bjarki1873ISL 26w1 16b+ 11b1 9w1 10b1 1w½ 13b16,5131,533,50
6Sigurthorsson Kristinn J1864ISL 27b1 14w0 29b1 15w0 42b1 12w½ 18b14,51122,525,50
7Johannsson Markus Orri1853ISL 29w1 18b0 -0 39w1 43b141722260
8Stefansson David1851ISL 30b1 20w½ 21b0 32w1 41b+ 1b041523,527,50
9Einarsson Oskar Long1830ISL 31w1 18b1 14w1 5b0 21w1 13b0 12b½4,5727,530,50
10Hallmundarson Birkir1824ISL 33b1 44w1 3b1 12w1 5w0 -0 -041324,528,50
11Osorio Ferrer Roberto Eduardo1812VEN 34w1 4b1 5w0 20b1 41w1 16b1 3w05427300
12Hermannsson Sigurbjorn1811ISL 32b1 19w1 10b0 37w1 6b½ 9w½4,5102327,50
13Ingvarsson Unnar1745ISL 35b1 3w0 31b1 42w1 15b1 9w1 5w05526290
14Eiriksson Theodor1715ISL 37w1 6b1 9b0 3w- 35w1 20b0 17w-32323,526,50
15Helgason Olafur Sindri1700ISL 36w1 6b1 13w0 21b- -032620230
16Leosson Haukur Vidis1683ISL 38b1 5w- 25w1 19w+ 11w0 29b03,52021,5250
17Leosson Tomas Sindri1680ISL 39w1 1b0 41b0 33w1 14b+41822260
18Hreinsson Johann Helgi1643ISL 40b1 9w0 39b1 7w1 2b0 29w½ 6w03,5192526,50
19Brynjarsson Orvar Holm1629ISL 43w1 12b0 26w1 16b- 37b0 4w02,53220,5230
20Palsson Arnaldur Arni1620ISL 41w1 8b½ 11w0 43b1 14w1 21b041623,527,50
21Palsson Oli1601ISL 42b1 1w0 44b1 8w1 9b0 15w+ 20w15626280
22Hafdisarson Ingi Thor1591ISL 1b½ 41w0 35w- -0 -0 -014413140
23Ernisson Petur Ulfar1575ISL 2w½ 24b0 30w1 37b0 27w1 25b- -02,5332022,50
24Jonsdottir Katrin Maria1549ISL 3b0 23w1 42b0 39w1 25b0 43w0 27b-23721230
25Johannsson Arnar Bjarki1532ISL 4w0 37b½ 34w1 16b0 24w1 23w+ 2b-3,52120,5240
26Steinsson Dagur Kari1518ISL 5b0 33w1 19b0 28w½ 35b- 34b-23917,519,51
27Kjartansson Arnar Logi1513ISL 6w0 39b0 38w1 23b0 44b1 24w+3,52217,5210
28Jonsdottir Halldora1504ISL 2b0 37w0 26b½ 34w0 38b12,5341820,50
29Jonsson Tristan Fannar1455ISL 7b0 38w+ 6w0 40b1 4w1 18b½ 16w14,592425,50
30Kristbergsson Bjorgvin1454ISL 8w0 23b0 36b1 -0 33w133116,519,50
31Arnarson Erlingur1452ISL 9b0 40w1 13w0 43b- 39b0 36w+ 44w132919220
32Valdimarsson Jakob Steinn1436ISL 12w0 44b+ 8b0 4b0 39w023819,521,50
33Jonsson Hallur Steinar1419ISL 10w0 26b0 40w1 17b0 30b024017,519,52
34Fridbjornsson Fridbjorn Orri0ISL 11b0 42w0 25b0 -1 44w0 28b1 26w+32720220
35Helgason Arnor Gauti0ISL 13w0 41b0 38w1 22b+ 14b0 26w+ 37w03242223,50
36Hermansen Vilhelm Thor H0ISL 15b0 4w- 30w0 31b- 40b½1,54312,5140
37Johannsson Olafur0ISL 14b0 25w½ 28b1 23w1 12b0 19w1 35b14,51219,5220
38Olafsson Alexander Orn0ISL 16w0 29b- 35b0 27b0 40w1 28w01,54215,5170
39Rutsson Kjartan Berg0ISL 17b0 27w1 18w0 24b0 31w1 7b0 32b132820220
40Sigurdsson Markus Flosi Blondal0ISL 18w0 31b0 -1 29w0 33b0 38b0 36w½1,5411617,50
41Sivakumar Pranav0ISL 20b0 35w1 22b1 17w1 11b0 8w- -032521,524,50
42Sverrisson Dagur0ISL 21w0 34b1 24w1 13b0 6w0 -0 -023521,523,50
43Thorhallsson Gunnar Thor0ISL 19b0 31w+ 20w0 24b1 7w033018,521,50
44Tran Liam Nam0ISL -1 10b0 21w0 32w- 34b1 27w0 31b023621,523,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (DE)