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Vezerkepzo Harvest 2024 U2300

Last update 19.10.2024 14:34:32, Creator/Last Upload: nyesekupa

Starting rank list of players

6FMLevay, Sorin1206354ROU2096
2IMFarago, Sandor701190HUN2041
3IMKahn, Evarth Dr.703257HUN1981
7IMSzalanczi, Emil700347HUN1880
10WFMKozma, Edit1201840HUN1861w
4AFMKhandhadia, Nivaan Rathin25753274IND1730
1Agarwal, Amaya48733580ENG1688w
9Csermely, Zoltan741728HUN1676
8Szabo, Bela719609HUN1666
5Agarwal, Anay48733660ENG1577