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Torneo Inter Esolar de Juana Dia Intermedia 2024 SUB-15Posledná aktualizácia 08.10.2024 15:20:06, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Cruz del Valle, Ryan | | PUR | 0 | Dr. Maximo Donoso Sanchez |
2 | | Leon Cintron, Victor | | PUR | 0 | Carmen Belen Vega |
3 | | Rivera Santiago, Alek | | PUR | 0 | Carmen Belen Vega |
4 | | Santiago Montero, Johan | | PUR | 0 | Luis Munoz Marin |
5 | | Santos Vega, Jonuel | | PUR | 0 | Dr. Maximo Donoso Sanchez |