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Torneo Inter Esolar de Juana Dia 2024 SUB-11

Posledná aktualizácia 08.10.2024 13:54:54, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Štartová listina

1Carrion Torres, DwaynePUR0Felipe Colon Dias
2Crespo Perez, Richard JoelPUR0Juan S. Mangual
3Crespo Perez, Richard JornielPUR0Juan S. Mangual
4Cruz Rodriguez, Jose E.PUR0Juan S. Mangual
5Gonzalez Rivera, ChrissPUR0Felipe Colon Dias
6Lopez Pena, JavierPUR0Juan S. Mangual
7Vega Rodriguez, Carlos A.PUR0Juan S. Mangual
8Rivera Alvarado, SebastianPUR0S.U. Zoilo Garcia Zayas
9Rodriguez Torres, SebastianPUR0Felipe Colon Dias
10Santos Vega, JosephPUR0Dr. Maximo Donoso Sanchez
11Vega Rodriguez, CarlosPUR0S.U. Zoilo Garcia Zayas