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Primer Intramural CSI 2024 Blitz Formato Blitz 3 +2

Seinast dagført08.10.2024 04:59:15, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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1Bermudez Moya, SamuelPUR0
2Cardenas Cepero, FabianPUR0
3Cedres Andino, UrayoanPUR0
4Dueno Gorbea, JosePUR0
5Eboli Rosario, MicaelPUR0
6Fuentes Malave, MatiasPUR0
7Gaztambide Marti, Mario3110362PUR0
8LLenin Lavergne, JosePUR0
9Mirandes, SebastianPUR0
10Navarro, SergioPUR0
11Puras Bibiloni, JuanPUR0
12Ramis Perez, LucasPUR0
13Reyes, JosePUR0
14Rivera Perez, MauricioPUR0
15Stella Hernandez, IsaiPUR0
16Cid Escalera, FarePUR0
17Gonzales Aponte, PabloPUR0
18Roman, JorgePUR0
19Sepulveda, Jose MiguelPUR0
20Negron, JaimePUR0
21Rodriguez, WilbertoPUR0
22Perez, AgustinPUR0
23Colon, NicolasPUR0