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Torneo de la Inter Americana de Fajardo 2024 Categoria estudiantil intermedia sexto-octavo

Seinast dagført08.10.2024 03:17:37, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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1Colon Rodrigues, Juan A.PUR0
2Lopez Rodrigues, Sergio M.PUR0
3Maldonado Valls, AmahiaPUR0
4Mateo Navarro, LucasPUR0
5Mogna Moros, Adrian E.PUR0
6Nazario RRierra, Hadryel K.PUR0
7Rodrigues Rivera, DarianyPUR0
8Rodrigues Rosa, Francisco J.PUR0
9Torres Gonzales, Leandro M.PUR0