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Torneo Inter Fajardo Superior 9 noveno a 12 duodecimo

Senast uppdaterad08.10.2024 02:52:39, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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1Hernandez Betancourt, David J.3113477PUR1541
2Agostini Vega, AndresPUR0
3Cartagena Ortiz, Lucas D.PUR0
4Dias Gonzales, Diego A.PUR0
5Ferrer Vargas, Luis A.PUR0
6Guadalupe, DiegoPUR0
7Lopez, RobertoPUR0
8Mercado, RaymondPUR0
9Pagan Lopez, KevinPUR0
10Perez Galarza, Miguel A.PUR0
11Rodrigues Rivera, CalebPUR0
12Ruiz Pacheco, DanielPUR0
13Ruiz Santiago, Andrew W.PUR0
14Suares Santos, AlejandroPUR0
15Tarafa Rodrigues, Edzer Y.PUR0
16Velez Franceschini, Jean P.PUR0