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1 Torneio Vila Chã 4ºF

Last update 03.12.2024 18:18:23, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 16)

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Starting rank list

1Barata, InêsPOR0
2Batista, SantiagoPOR0
3Cardoso, DiegoPOR0
4Fragoso, MateusPOR0
5Francisco, EllisPOR0
6Lemos, AlcianePOR0
7Matos, LourençoPOR0
8Paes, MaryahPOR0
9Remechido, MariaPOR0
10Rocha, ConstançaPOR0
11Saramago, LucasPOR0
12Segurado, FilipaPOR0
13Pereira, MateoPOR0
14Trindade, LilianePOR0
15Carola, RicardoPOR0