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Torneo de Ajedrez Infantil, Casa Olinka

Last update 07.10.2024 21:55:45, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2024)

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Starting rank

1Martinez, Hernandez Ian Mauricio29627133MEX1786Puebla
2Sanchez Tlapale, Anthony Amaury5198011MEX1786Tlaxcala
3Moreno, Toxqui Leonardo5169860MEX1695
4De, Ita Dominguez SantiagoMEX1627Puebla
5Juarez, Cabildo Jozef Karol EdmundoMEX1621Puebla
6Galicia, Diaz Nelson AlfonsoMEX1591Tlaxcala
7Serafin, Ruz AxelMEX1584
8Dominguez Perez, Valeria5198038MEX1527Tlaxcala
9Garcia, Rojas Maria Del CarmenMEX1524Puebla
10Bravo Parra, Angel OmarAUT0
11Briones Oropeza, Josua GaelAUT0Olinka
12Diaz Munguia, Loreto AbigailAUT0
13Huerta MagaƱa, JesusAUT0
14Macuil Rodriguez, Jesus SantiagoAUT0
15Martinez Salinas, DiegoAUT0
16Parras Balbos, IanAUT0
17Sanchez Jimenez, Jazlyn ValentinaAUT0
18Yaroslav Flores, JazielAUT0