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5ª Etapa Circuito Escolar Clube de Xadrez São Paulo 2024 Sub 15 Fem

Last update 13.10.2024 17:41:22, Creator/Last Upload: anderson willians

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Starting rank

1Ellen Lam Ka Yin Chen1827Colégio Etapa
2Emilly Ester Sodre Ortega1824Emef Madre Imilda
3Lara Yasmim Arruda De Almeida Da Lu1810Neir Augusto Lopes
4Daniely Maria Dos Santos1804Emef Prof. Neir Augusto Lopes
5Sofia Santana Oliveira1800Cyro Albuquerque
6Annayh Vieira Moreira1798Neir Augusto Lopes
7Ester Santana Lacerda1789Cyro Albuquerque
8Izabella Da Silva Pereira1786Helina Coutinho Lourenço Alves
9Mirella Fernandes Dos Santos1783Humberto De Campos
10Giovanna Cipola Alves1781Arbos SCS
11Julia Cipola Alves1729Arbos SCS
12Evillen Gomes de Albuquerque0Neir Augusto Lopes
13Juliana Villas Oliveira0
14Larissa Oliveira da Silva0Emef Antônio D'Avila