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در صورت مغایر بودن اطلاعات با شماره09199288750 تماس حاصل فرمایید

Tehran Women's League 1403

Last update 13.12.2024 16:50:20, Creator: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 73),Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 172)

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Team pairings

Round 1 on 2024/10/11 at 15:00
1  Shomal Shargh Pishgam Novin  Madreseh Shatranj Ayandegan4:0
2  Heyat Shatranj Baharestan  Pishgam Salamat Paydar½:
3  Javanan Pishgam Salamat Paydar  Madreseh Shatranj Ahouran3:1
4  Madreseh Shatranj Shahryar  Pishgam Varamin:
5  Amouzesh Parvaresh Jonoub Gharb  Roz:
6  Madreseh Shatranj Novin Shemiran  Sakhtar Barandeh Pishgam3:1
7  Pishgam Shahr Ray  Hoshe Sefid3:1
8  Me'yar San'at  Daneshgah Shahid Beheshti1:3
9  Bashgah 8*8 Jonoub Shargh  Naft Tehran 14:0
10  Naft Tehran 2  Setaregan Shahr Ray1:3
11  Pishgam Chalous  Setaregan3:1