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12th ACA Rapid Chess Tournament- FIDE Rated | 11 & 12 October 2024

Վերջին արդիացում12.10.2024 18:01:54, Creator/Last Upload: Arjun's Chess Academy.

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Dhruvi, Shrikant Panigrahi33440697IND1799
2AFMNavaneet, Sreekanth33396868IND1787
3AFMPrithvi, Raj Prajeesh33361258IND1691
4ACMMikael, Vivek Joseph48785865IND1678
5ACMGabriel, Vivek Joseph48785881IND1608
6AFMNyrav, Gopalakrishnan48798398IND1564
7ACMNirvaan, Ashish Modi33368929IND1528
8Ved, Gopinath429084334IND1504
9Aradhy, Roy88166325IND1497
10Kanushi, Kishore33355274IND1491
11Suyash, Sunil Bayalan33393672IND1473
12Jishnu, Balajee Meenu48744972IND1436
13Arnav, Singh Dewan429018471IND1432
14Ineeyan, Devaraj Vigil48744964IND1426
15Apramey, Kulkarni429041961IND1404
16Alasfoor, Hasan11207060BRN0
17Ankit, Vikrambhai Thanki537001418IND0
18Arav, Mehta429019460IND0
19Ayushi, Dash429020905IND0
20Dhruv, Gautam531037640IND0
21Ehan, Anjam531037895IND0
22Pranav, Santhosh88134229IND0
23Uma, Eswari Meenakshinathan429012759IND0
24Vaishnav, Sumesh33403511IND0