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Players Reporting Time-6.00 PM
Round 1 Starts at 6.15 PM

11th ACA FIDE Rated Blitz Chess Tournament- 10-10-2024

Posledná aktualizácia 10.10.2024 18:50:12, Creator/Last Upload: Arjun's Chess Academy.

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Štartová listina

1AFMNavaneet, Sreekanth33396868IND1893U12
2AFMPrithvi, Raj Prajeesh33361258IND1822
3AIMRishi, N25942425IND1753
4Dhruvi, Shrikant Panigrahi33440697IND1672wU12
5Kasinath, Kochunniramparambil Siljith429055300IND1603U12
6Khush, Dholaria25942131IND1573
7AFMNyrav, Gopalakrishnan48798398IND1541U10
8Kanushi, Kishore33355274IND1538w
9Alasfoor, Hasan11207060BRN1509
10Aradhy, Roy88166325IND1504U12
11Arav, Mehta429019460IND1499U10
12Jishnu, Balajee Meenu48744972IND1478U12
13Vaishnav, Sumesh33403511IND1472
14Leon, Varghese88198987IND1464U12
15Emilia, Anoob48731501IND1443w
16Jonah, K Aji48740276IND1428U12
17Arnav, Singh Dewan429018471IND1417U12
18Aarsh, Bangera531095356IND0U08
19Anirudh, Varadhan Srinivasan88170535IND0U12
20Atharav, Jagtap429036666IND0U12
21Ayra, Mehta429019478IND0w
22Dhruv, Gautam531037640IND0U10
23Ehan, Anjam531037895IND0U10
24Jeff, George429088461IND0U08
25Mathew, Vinod531076734IND0U10
26Navaneeth, Krishna K P429088445IND0
27Shayaan, Rashid429018382IND0
28Suyash, Sunil Bayalan33393672IND0