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Men's Championship of Saratov region 2013

Last update 09.06.2013 18:34:20, Creator/Last Upload: 24161810 Klyuchnikov Mikhail

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Starting rank list

1FMBiryukov DmitriyRUS2272
2Kvitka RomanRUS2164
3Smirnov Alexandr A.RUS2155
4Borisovsky ViktorRUS2152
5Palin DenisRUS2145
6Baitzurov DenisRUS2093
7Sudnik PavelRUS2055
8Karpenko ArtemRUS2043
9Zhdanov PetrRUS2025
10Guliev GasanRUS1985
11Kruzhilin AlekseyRUS1957
12Nurdinov IliyaRUS1951
13Berezhnov DmitryRUS1938
14Gagarkine NikolayRUS1916
15Upolovnev VladimirRUS1893
16Fedukin AlexandreRUS1862
17Velichko TatianaRUS1862
18Bolychevsky AlexanderRUS1856
19Kavyev RuslanRUS1835
20Tatarinov AndreyRUS1743
21Kavyev EmilRUS1691
22Vdovin SergeyRUS1675
23Sokolov DenisRUS1652
24Pesina PolinaRUS0
25Zorikov EgorRUS0