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Himalayan Chess Tournament - 2024 NA Ram Bahadur Chhetri 12300799

Senast uppdaterad07.10.2024 06:10:31, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Baral, Nirvik 7NEP0
2Bhandari, Nabin 10NEP0
3Gurung, Anmol 8NEP0
4Gurung, Jenish 8NEP0
5Gurung, Prizon 10NEP0
6Karki, saiman 10NEP0
7Koirala, Sudarsan 10NEP0
8Magar, Swornim 5NEP0
9Paneru, Aayush 9NEP0
10Poudel, Aashish 7NEP0
11Poudel, Aayush 8NEP0
12Poudel, Gaurab 8NEP0
13Rai, Alex 8NEP0
14Thapa, Parebesh 10NEP0