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Macosay's Bday Վերջին արդիացում07.10.2024 03:42:30, Creator/Last Upload: fajasparov
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | FM | Navarrete Mendez, Gonzalo Alberto | 5106850 | MEX | 2214 | Yucatan |
2 | | May Sanchez, Andres Elias | 5150973 | MEX | 1981 | Yucatan |
3 | | Vargas Segura, Ivan Albert | 5121663 | MEX | 1937 | Yucatan |
4 | | Arcila Villanueva, Carlos | 5113296 | MEX | 1929 | |
5 | | Gonzalez Brito, Abraham Eloy | 5156700 | MEX | 1915 | Yucatan |
6 | WCM | Matu Carballo, Magdalena | 5113687 | MEX | 1876 | Yucatan |
7 | | Leal Escamilla, Daniel Zinedine | 5169810 | MEX | 1874 | Yucatan |
8 | | Salazar Reyes, Diego | 5175526 | MEX | 1852 | Yucatan |
9 | | Orta Ruz, Andre Fernando | 5199034 | MEX | 1833 | Yucatan |
10 | | Salas Zoghbi, Jose Miguel | 29640946 | MEX | 1830 | Yucatan |
11 | | Uc, Yam Francisco | | MEX | 1756 | |
12 | | Tucuch May, Jesus Alberto | 5156696 | MEX | 1725 | Yucatan |
13 | | Macosay Lopez, Julio David | 29624711 | MEX | 1685 | Yucatan |
14 | | Leal Licon, Daniel Isai | 5164397 | MEX | 1676 | Nuevo Leon |
15 | | May Sanchez, Ivana Daniela | 5165830 | MEX | 1639 | Yucatan |
16 | | Gonzalez, Cheong Emanuel | | MEX | 1596 | Yucatan |
17 | | Rayo Tzeek, Matias | 5175500 | MEX | 1567 | Yucatan |
18 | | Negrete Santos, Samuel Jesus | 29639573 | MEX | 1557 | Yucatan |
19 | | Barrera, Lorenzana Iker Gabriel | | MEX | 1555 | Yucatan |
20 | | Centeno, Chan Erick | | MEX | 1519 | Yucatan |
21 | | Arcila, Dorantes Carlos Armando | | MEX | 1508 | Yucatan |
22 | | Leal Escamilla, Emma Alizee | 5170095 | MEX | 1486 | Yucatan |
23 | | Hernandez Cetina, Jose Gerardo | | MEX | 0 | |
24 | | Olguin Puc, Angel | | MEX | 0 | |
25 | | Pech Arredondo, Eduardo | | MEX | 0 | |