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offene Spittaler Schachmeisterschaft 2024 unter 1400 ELO

Last update 21.12.2024 12:41:07, Creator: SG Gabor/HSV SPITTAL,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

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1Bokor, Theodor0AUT
2Gaggl, Maximilian5300009801394AUTSgs Spittal
3Karajko, Meryem5300010130AUTSgs Spittal
4Kos, Egon5300027960AUTSgs Spittal
5Loppnow, Vincent0AUT
6Pukalo, Tichon0UKRSgs Spittal
7Scheiflinger, Ines5300002110AUTSgs Spittal
8Scheiflinger, Raphael5300010050AUTSgs Spittal
9Schoos, Luca1389AUTSk Feistritz Paternion
10Schoos, Riva16988341214AUTSk Feistritz Paternion
11Staudacher, Luca5300000171200AUTSgs Spittal
12Supanz, Günther16951771200AUTSgs Spittal