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Chesstalent Blitz Iribo School

Posledná aktualizácia 06.10.2024 21:50:16, Creator: PaulGonzalezDesicionesInteligentes,Last Upload: Alexis Murillo Tsijli

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Štartová listina

1Toro Soto, Anthony Roy6502687CRC2119False
2Chaves Godinez, Edgar Daniel6506348CRC1868
3Miranda Flores, Samy Manuel6535852CRC1774Codea
4Orna Chaves, David Gabriel6558852CRC1628San Jose
5Leiva Coto, Isaac Antonio6555926CRC1560Ccdr Heredia
6Estrada Rodriguez, Hendrik6532438CRC1532
7Orna Chaves, Alejandro Jesus6558976CRC1525San Jose
8Romero Cerdas, Moises Alonso6556914CRC1491Turrialba
9Porras Aguilar, Moises David6548768CRC1475Turrialba
10Villalta Pizarro, Emanuel Isaac6557058CRC1464Turrialba
11Morales Karpinsky, Yuliana6525741CRC1453Turrialba
12Manzanares Pinto, Guillermo6563708CRC1447Yorkin
13Ascanio Monsalve, Natalia Isabel6525148CRC1418Iribo
14Sandoval Loaiciga, Aldric6535011CRC1415Ccdr Curridabat
15Castro Laurent, Mathias6550452CRC1400
16Gonzalez Garcia, James Fabian6565760CRC1400Naranjo
17Vargas Lopez, Valentina6565387CRC1400Asociacion Fischer
18Calderon Diaz, Jose AdrianCRC0
19Quiros Gutierrez, TomasCRC0
20Siles Rosales, JocksanCRC0