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Torneo la Llave Categoria Secundaria

Last update 06.10.2024 22:44:31, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

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Starting rank

1Aguilar, Estrada AdrianMEX1838Queretaro
2Miranda, Huerta Leonardo AntonioMEX1719Queretaro
3Arellanes, Quintero Derick EdenMEX1695Queretaro
4Rodriguez, Ocampo Jeremy GaelMEX1680Queretaro
5Avila, Pacheco UrielMEX1667Queretaro
6Guzman, Lopez Ethan AlexanderMEX1648Queretaro
7Teodoro, Alejo AngelMEX1647Queretaro
8Aguilar, Estrada Gustavo DanielMEX1642Queretaro
9Munoz, Munoz SergioMEX1639Queretaro
10Jurado, Taboada AngelMEX1611Queretaro
11Rangel, Ugalde Isai MatiasMEX1585Queretaro
12Arvizu, Baeza Carlos OmarMEX1557Queretaro
13Colin, Soto Victor ManuelMEX1545Queretaro
14Acosta, Perez Edwin John29606306MEX1525Queretaro
15Lopez, Lopez Thomas SantiagoMEX1514Queretaro
16Cosme Velazquez, SebastianMEX0
17Fajardo Samperio, Gerardo EmmanuelMEX0
18Llanas Flores, MarianaMEX0
19Lopez Aguirre, Jesus CarlosMEX0
20Olguin Ferruzca, Hector IssacMEX0
21Perez Hernandez, AbrahamMEX0
22Perez Olguin, Gael AlfredoMEX0